【純手工】Blogs Clipping_網摘20061124
因為小爺一直很想拿某一個結婚的新聞當頭條,但遲遲等不到對方的回音。終於我還是忍不住先這樣刊登了...Orz 希望最後能補上... 喔耶! 非常感謝Chris大首肯,讓個性彆扭也不知在堅持啥的小爺最終還是等到回信了~(撒花) 今年11月4日,來自 大陸 的Chris跟愛情長跑3年的阿娜大Jos於在 比利時 幸福的結婚了!看兩人笑得這麼開心,我終於知道為什麼大家要搶捧花了...好羨慕啊...(對,連他的帖子標題都特閃!那個「其實」字眼看來起平實,實際上卻隱含著一股強大的殺傷力呀...( ̄ c ̄)y-~...) 〈[游玩地带]其实结婚是件很幸福的事情〉 ps.照片裡的小喜帖人物照被我模糊掉了,總不能隨便幫人家曝光嘛(因為準新人很帥,又笑得很燦爛,害我下手有點狠...( ̄y▽ ̄)╭...)。在這邊衷心地祝福他們倆 白頭偕老,永浴愛河 ! 同志新聞(GLBT News) 〈GLSEN Outraged by Pennsylvania School Board Member’s Alleged Use of Gay Slur〉 根據〈From Teasing to Torment: School Climate in America〉的研究指出: 1.Nearly two out of three students (63 percent) – gay and straight - who have heard homophobic remarks say their school’s atmosphere would be better if they heard them less often. 2.A vast majority of Pennsylvania students reported hearing homophobic remarks such as "faggot" or "dyke" (82%), or the expressions "that’s so gay" or "you’re so gay" (93%) from other students in school. 〈Gay marriage under the spotlight 〉 Grainne Close和...